"Learn how just 15 minutes per day, OMP prepares your body to birth your way"

"LIVE OMP for parents workshop"

Have the confidence to deliver your baby safely AND have the birth you really want “A Revolutionary workshop helping you master the techniques for a safe and Empowered birth”



By the end of this program you will have:

Empowered Knowledge

Knowledge is great BUT... Where OMP stands out is teaching you WHAT to do, How to do it, When to do it and most importantly WHY you are doing it when it comes to specific exercises to create space in your pelvis. Learn the ART and Science of birthing your baby in simplified language.

Confidence in yourself & your birth partner

Once you discover these tools, practice and apply what you learn alongside your birth partner, you will have the confidence to know you ARE prepared physically for the birth you desire.

Expert Guidance from a certified OMP educator

We have partnered with the best of the best in the birthing world. A certified OMP Educator has been on an immense learning journey yet most importantly has the desire to help you AND know exactly how to support you to have a safe and empowered birth.


Proven techniques that when utilised during pregnancy can not only ease pain and discomfort, yet can turn traumatic situations around during labor & birth.

Nurtured Support through a LIVE workshop

Journey alongside your partner in this hands on experience where you will learn step by step alongside an experienced and certified OMP Educator to have all your questions answered.

BONUS - FREE Access to OMP video course

Learn from an expert AND review and practice these revolutionary techniques with FREE access to the online OMP introduction video series to support you every step of the way


PERTH - Buy ticket


BENDIGO - Dates announced soon


CANBERRA - Dates announced soon

A Certified OMP Educator - Look out for this badge!

OMP Educators are highly purposeful and knowledgeable individuals who have truly understood the depth of how Optimal Maternal Positioning can support YOU in your journey.

They know exactly how to support you to have a safe and Empowered birth experience

Don't see a location that suits? Click below to find a certified OMP educator near you.


Have Questions?

Here's some common questions that we hope will support you

There are some AMAZING classes out there that will give you some of the knowledge you need to prepare for pregnancy, labor & birth. Optimal Maternal Positioning however compliments many of these modalities where much of their focus is often on mental preparation and learning what happens in the birth room. 

Some even help you with a birth plan to set-up for a plan B. 

Optimal Maternal Positioning however takes things to a greater level by giving you the WHY, WHAT AND HOW to enable labor to progress by preparing your body and baby for birth. 

You will learn what you can do when things go right AND most importantly have the confidence to know WHAT to do when things during birth don't go to plan.

Actually that's a perfect time to start. The OMP protocols will help with alignment AND begin to help you prepare throughout pregnancy for labor & birth.

It's NEVER too late to be proactive in having the birth that is empowered through your choice. Within day's you will be working through the video's. 

The OMP protocols are extremely helpful through your labor & birth AND don't forget there is a section in the video course that helps you understand what to do during birth when things are NOT going to plan that can still lead you to your desired birth experience.

Having a baby pass through the pelvis is like putting the key through the keyhole. If the key hole is not aligned, there may be problems of a smooth insertion. The key may get stuck and cause difficulties turning to unlock or even removing the key.

This is where ‘Optimal Maternal Positioning’ (OMP) comes in. Instead of focussing on the position of the key (which Optimal Fetal Positioning focuses on the position of the baby), OMP focuses on creating space within the keyhole (Pelvis).

Watch this video to learn more

The analogy of the 'hot-air balloon' originated from Dr Carol Phillips of www.dynamicbodybalancing.com

As 'bones float inside soft tissues', learn how pelvic alignment enhances pelvic mobility. In this video, you will understand the importance of the pregnant mother maintaining dynamic equilibrium within her 'hot-air balloon' during pregnancy which enables her to have a more comfortable pregnancy and how during labor and birth, it enables the baby's cardinal movements to facilitate labor progress, resulting in an easier birth. 

We have seen many examples of using different protocols and witnessing babies move into more favourable positions. Although it's something we certainly cannot guarantee, we will say that by working with your body, having the confidence and knowledge in knowing what to do during pregnancy, labor & birth, you give yourself a higher chance of creating your desired outcome.

It is often said in many other programs that your baby needs to be in an "ideal position" which is simply not true. In fact Optimal Maternal positioning focuses on the mother as much as baby, and in utilising Pelvic mobility exercises/protocols she learns how to work with her body to create space within the pelvis to allow her baby to pass through.

We would love to hear from you. Please email us at [email protected] so we may support you in your journey.

Empowered Mumma Amy White's birth story (QLD, Australia)

Hear Amy's birth story of how she took control of her birth and walked away truly empowered using Optimal maternal Positioning.


Ready to commit to the birth you want?


Your certified OMP trainer

Hello there I'm Danae,

My passion is Birth, I just LOVE it. I work as a full time Birth Doula and my particular skill set is definitely in the Birth arena.

Over the past 10 years, supporting hundreds of women in Birth (in Australia and Haiti), my journey to OMP came from an obsession with understanding how baby’s move through the pelvis and how that facilitates the progression of the labour.

OMP is the answer! I see it in every birth I now support. Its not just about me having this amazing knowledge, its about women and partners having an incredible depth of understanding of the mechanics of Birth and a birthing woman’s body and how to be hands on to really make a difference in Birth outcomes in any environment.

Integrating my birth work experiences, thorough understanding and passion for OMP practices and education, Yoga practice, Meditation and Breath Practices, makes my approach a very unique and beautiful way to prepare your Body and Mind for the ultimate experience of Birth.

I have 2 gorgeous young boys and the most amazing and supportive husband (who now are quite the birth experts). Birth is my passion, my calling and my life!


Empower YOURSELF with the KNOWLEDGE and CONFIDENCE to know what to do when things go right AND when things don't go to plan during labor & birth!


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